Acid/Alkaline Saliva and Urine Test
First, upon waking test your saliva with the pHydrion paper. When you get out of bed, lick and wet the end of a pHydrion test strip with your saliva. Note the color change and write down the pH number. Do this before brushing your teeth, drinking, smoking, or even thinking of eating any food hier klicken für weitere informationen. The optimum saliva pH should be 7.2.
- Second, test your first urine of the morning. This is urine that has been stored in your bladder during the night that is ready to be eliminated when you get up. You need to pee on a strip of pHydrion paper, note the color change and write down the pH number. The first urine should run optimally between a pH 6.8 to 7.2.If your first urine pH is lower than 6.8 you are deficient in alkaline buffers and need to move to a more alkaline diet rich in fresh green vegetables and fruits. If your first urine pH is higher than 7.2 your alkaline buffers are sufficient to neutralize the acidic foods and drinks you ingested the day before.To balance the pH of the urine you need to move away from acidic foods and drinks and begin ingesting liberal amounts of electron rich green vegetables, low sugar fruits and healthy polyunsaturated fats.
Third, test your second morning urine before eating any food. This number should be the pH of your second urine after you have eliminated the acid load from the day before. The acids should be gone the second time you go to the bathroom, so your urine pH should be ideally 7.2 or higher. If the pH is lower than 6.8, then you are in a state of latent tissue acidosis and you are deficient of alkaline buffers such as bicarbonate, sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.The lower pH is also indicative of a diet high in protein and an increase in acids from proteins including nitric, sulfuric, phosphoric and uric acids. Eliminate from the diet proteins from beef, chicken, turkey, pork and fish to normalize pH at 7.2 while eating liberal amounts of green foods and green drinks and healthy polyunsaturated fats.
- For breakfast eat avocado soup, vegetable soup, the healing soup or drink some fresh almond milk or a fresh green drink. Fourth, wait five minutes and then check your urine and saliva again. Write these pH numbers down also. The pH numbers will go up from the first and second morning urine and saliva if you have sufficient alkaline reserves to buffer acids.If you do not then the pH numbers will show very little change or even go down from the early morning pH numbers.
- Fifth, make sure you check your urine and saliva pH between meals, i.e., between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. The pH should always be between 7.2 to 8.4, right after meals and between 6.8 to 7.2 a couple of hours after meals.